The South Kings Station website was developed to serve as an informative resource
for both our neighborhood and our local community.
Please register to be able to view all site information as well as receive important emails from the HOA.
Please contact us with your comments and suggestions.
The HOA has made some of our documents available for you to view, so that you can make a more informed home buying decision.
These documents are available (without registering) under the Public tab above.
Sentry Management has taken over as our management company as of March 1, 2024
This means that there is new payment information
Please make sure to update your information.

Want to make a payment?
Checkout the Payments page.

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Be aware of your surroundings Report suspicious activity
The following numbers can be used to report incidents.
Fairfax non-emergency number - 703-691-2131

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Invasive Plants
The HOA wants/needs your help!
Our Community and Woods are being over taken by invasive plants.
Removal of these invasive plants is needed.
Here is an information page explaining what to look for.
Click on the images to go to the page.



Neighborhood Notes



Residents who walk along the South Kings Station woodland trail between Brick Hearth Court and Chimney Wood Court are noticing suspicious activity by individuals who appear to be non-residents.

If you notice anyone on the woodland that appears to be involved in suspicious activity, please Notify Fairfax County Police by calling the non-emergency number 703-961-2131.

Fairfax County Police have written permission from the SKS board to come onto our community property to investigate suspicious activity and arrest, if necessary.



Our community has a significant pet population and we need to ensure that all pet owners are aware of the Fairfax County leash laws and the SKS community rules. 

1. All animals must be on leash while on SKS property which includes the woodland trail.

2. Please make sure you curb your pet and always pick up waste and dispose of properly once you are back home.


South Kings Station HOA

Guidelines for Management of

Garbage and Recyclables


1.  Garbage and recyclables are collected by Fairfax County every Tuesday morning. Containers must be put at the curb no later than 6 a.m. Tuesday or they can be put at the curb the evening before pickup.

2. Garbage and recyclables containers must be returned to rear yards no later than Wednesday morning following Fairfax County pickup on Tuesday morning.

3.  All garbage and recyclables containers must have the house address number affixed to lids.

4.  Special Collections (FREE) request is required for  items too large or heavy (i.e. furniture appliances, rocks, bricks) for standard collection by Fairfax County.  For special collections pickup, call Fairfax County Solid Waste Management at 703-802-3322. Request can also be made on-line.

5.  Yard Waste (grass, leaves, brush) must be put in bags and placed at the curb by 6 a.m. Tuesdays. Yard waste can also be tied in bundles no longer than four feet with each weighing no more than 50 pounds.

6.  Household Hazardous Waste or Electronics must be taken by residents to either the Fairfax County Solid Waste facility in Fairfax or in Lorton.


Thank you for doing your part to

maintain the great curb appeal

of our community!


Animal Found with Distemper Disease
Posted on Mar 24th, 2021
On Tuesday 03/23/2021, a sick raccoon was discovered near the woods behind 6466 Brick Hearth Ct. The animal protection police were called and arrived on scene around 7:45 p.m. The officer determined that the raccoon had distemper and unfortunately had to put the animal down with a few gunshots (due to the severity of the disease and its affects on the body and nervous system). 
In cases like this, where there has been no known exposure to pets, they do not conduct any tests on the animal. The responding officer said his department had put down several raccoons over the past weeks, also with distemper.
Canine distemper is a contagious viral disease that does not infect people, but can cause serious illness or death in canine and feline species, including dogs, foxes, coyotes and skunks as well as raccoons. The disease is transmitted when animals have direct contact with infected animals or indirect contact with body fluids/feces from an infected animal.
Some basic precautions can help you avoid any run-ins with distemper. 
  1. Ensure pets are up to date on their distemper vaccine (and rabies, while you're at it)
  2. Keep dogs on a leash at all times and keep cats inside
  3. Do not approach or feed any wild animals
  4. Feed pets inside
  5. Remove wildlife attractants from yards, such as unsecured garbage cans, open containers of food and compost
If you see a raccoon that appears sick, lethargic, disoriented, or aggressive, stay away from the animal and call the Fairfax County Animal Protection Police at 703-691-2131.

Upcoming Events
SKS HOA Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
PLACE: Virtual Via Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 234 860 625 356
Passcode: MK7Ke6
Dial in by phone
United States, New York City
+1 929-352-1567,,33861161#
Phone conference ID: 338 611 61#
TIME:  7:00p.m. - Meeting Begins
SKS HOA Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
PLACE: Virtual Via Microsoft Teams
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 234 860 625 356
Passcode: MK7Ke6
Dial in by phone
United States, New York City
+1 929-352-1567,,33861161#
Phone conference ID: 338 611 61#
TIME:  7:00p.m. - Meeting Begins

Litter Cleanup
Litter Pickup along South Kings Highway
by Mid-Atlantic Litter Cleanup Service
The 2023-24 contract with the litter cleanup service for litter pick-up along South Kings Highway and the woodland trail was approved in April by a majority board vote. They will remove and haul off all ordinary litter such as cans, bottles, food packaging, broken glass.  Litter pick up does not include hazardous waste, dead animals, pet waste, rocks, sand, gravel salt or de-icing agents, leaves, grass clippings, tree limbs, or branches, or construction debris. 
Here is the pick-up schedule:
South Kings Highway between Chimney Wood Court and Brick Hearth Court:
May 2023 - April 2024 - biweekly
Woodland Trail from Furman Lane picnic area at Kings Gardens Apartments and Brick Hearth Court
(10 feet on either side of trail):
May 2023 - April 2024 - one time per month

SKS Message Board
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