** Information may not be current. Please contact our Management company for all up to date info. **
Dear Prospective Homeowner or Tenant,
WELCOME to the South Kings Station Homeowners’ Association web page. To help you in your search to find a home in your dream community, take a moment to find out about our community by using the PUBLIC access feature to view website sections that can help you decide if South Kings Station HOA is the ideal community for you.
Before you begin exploring the South Kings Station website, here are a few quick facts about living in a community governed by a homeowners’ association(HOA):
A homeowners’ association is the governing body of a community, usually comprising homeowners who have volunteered to serve on the HOA board of directors. When you buy a property governed by an HOA, you automatically become a member of the association. You do not have a choice of not joining. The purchase of your home becomes the contract with the HOA. You agree that you’ll follow all the HOA rules and pay regular dues and special assessments. When you rent a property in an HOA, you and your family, also, are agreeing to follow the HOA rules.
HOA rules are called covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). The South Kings Station HOA CC&Rs are on the website for you to review. Please read these over carefully to help you in making your decision to buy or rent a home in an HOA community.
No matter where you live, you are also subject to city or county ordinances and restrictions relating to the use of your property. HOAs add another layer of conditions and restrictions.
HOAs primarily use dues money for maintenance of common areas used by all the homeowners. Other expenses that HOA dues cover might include snow and trash removal, management company services, insurance premiums, attorney services and CPA services. South Kings Station HOA is managed by Cardinal Management Group and uses the legal services of Whiteford, Taylor & Preston.
Most HOA dues range from $200 to $400 per month. Dues for South Kings Station HOA are very affordable and are billed quarterly. Dues are currently $290 for each three-month period. Dues are collected only from homeowners. Tenants do not pay HOA dues.
After exploring our website, if you have any questions, please go to the contact us page and email our community manager.
Should you choose to buy or rent a property in the South Kings Station HOA community, make sure you register on our WEBSITE so that you can stay informed by receiving regular emails and emergency texts about events and issues. Our website is a vital link in keeping our community connected and in-the-know. Another way to be involved in our community is to volunteer to serve on the governing board (if you are an owner) and/or attend regular monthly meetings. Renters can attend HOA meetings and volunteer to serve on committees.
We hope to call you NEIGHBOR soon!
South Kings Station HOA
Board of Directors